If you want to, you can take a good look at me.


I’m a PhD Student working at TU Berlin, under the supervision of Prof. Pokutta.

Contact me at jaeckle@zib.de

So far

I’m from Munich (Germany), where I went to the french-german highschool Lycée Jean Renoir. I then started my higher education studies at the University of Strasbourg, where I completed the MPA (mathématiques et physique approfondie) course. Then, I recieved a Bachelors degree in math at the University of Bonn, where I tutored an analysis class for physicists for a semester, and studied economics as side subject. Finally, I recieved a Masters degree in math at the Free University of Berlin (FU Berlin). There, I was employed as a student help (SHK) at the Zuse Institut (Berlin) for formalising math in Lean in the context of a master thesis.


My work revolves arround:

  • Formalising math (in Lean 4)
  • Automated theorem proving

I also like the following, though I can’t spend much time on it:

  • Algorithms (data structures, complexity, computational geometry)
  • Combinatorics (enumerative, extremal, probabilistic, and I want to read up on algebraic)
  • Game theory (combinatorial, positional, applied/economic (?))
  • Algorithms in the context of solvers (optimization, scientific computing (“Numerik” in german), algebra)
  • AI models and methods (the list is long)

Some skills

Good to know:

  • I speak german and french fluently and I like to think that I speak english fluently.
  • I know Python and Lean.